. . . in fact, it's feeling much better
Revived 2024.08.15
My, how tempus fugits. It looks like I wrote this site several decades ago. Hard to believe. A quarter of a century back I suffered a sudden and very serious medical affliction. I was put on a drug regimen intended to avoid a recurrance; it didn't succeed terribly well, and had side effects which kept me seriously zoned out for several years. During this time the original 1896Mauser.com site became infested by spammers and bots, attacking, apparently, through the Forum. My host shut the site down. Even I couldn't get in, and I didn't have the stamina to attempt any clever workarounds. So, to use the downtime to some advantage, I considered rearranging things a bit, making a small number of corrections, updating links and the bibliography, and adding new material - a section on historically noteworthy users (T.E. Lawrence, Winston Churchill, etc); a page about the various "Contracts", both real and imaginary; pages explicitly devoted to Prewar Commercial, Wartime Commercial, and Red 9 guns to go with my extant pages on Bolos, 1920 Reworks, and M-30 Variants; an accounting of post-manufacture markings ("RMV", "ETA", unit military and police stamps, etc); some material about the leatherwork attaching the stock/holster to the user. And maybe add a glossary of common but sometimes confusingly misused labels like Bolo, Officer's Model, Gendarme Model, etc. Blah, blah, blah. But I never seemed to get around to it. So, as second-best, I'm putting the site back up as-is (or, more accurately, as-was), after moving to a new host. I have not reinstated the Forum at this time. Keeping the digital riffraff out turns out to be something of a full-time job, and at the moment I really can't devote the necessary man-hours. My Links page is likewise omitted, as most of the links are probably stone dead by now. I have included the bibliography, though it also needs some serious updating. As in the olden days, the site can be navigated via the links at the top of the page. Cap gun on a keychain. Everybody should have one. This entire site is researched, written and © copyrighted by me. Material from elsewhere is properly attributed, where possible. (Some random photos were cribbed from various Internet sites, where as usual on the Internet their original sources were unattributed.) So I would be much obliged if you lazy ratbags would go steal material from somebody else. |